Management Policies undertaken during the different phases of the COVID-19 outbreak:

23rd February2020: The decree issued on February 21st, implemented from February 23rd, declared the quarantine of ten municipalities in the province of Lodi, initially affected by the pandemic, and of the municipality of Vo ‘in the province of Padua.

25th February2020: With a decree of February 25th, relating to the regions of Emilia-Romagna, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Lombardy, Veneto, Piedmont and Liguria, government measures were extended in addition to the 11 municipalities epicentre of coronavirus outbreaks, with provisions mainly related to schools, museums, judicial offices, teleworking, valid until March 15th: the suspension of all sporting events in the aforementioned regions is confirmed, allowing the holding of competitions and matches “behind closed doors”.
1st March 2020: On March 1st, a new decree acknowledges and extends some of the previous measures and introduces further ones, to guarantee uniformity throughout the national territory. With the entry into force of this decree, the validity of all the previous ones ceases, and distinguishes the measures on the basis of geographical areas: Previous red zones ; Emilia-Romagna ; Veneto ; Lombardy (Piacenza, Cremona, Bergamo) ; Province of Pesaro and Urbino and separate set of measures for the entire national territory.
4th March 2020: On March 4th 2020, with another decree, the government announces the suspension of educational activities in all schools of all levels and universities on the national territory until March 15th, the closure of all stadium doors at the national level until April 3rd and indications regarding the access of relatives and visitors to health facilities, and to penitentiary and penal institutions for minors.
8th March 2020: In the night between 7 and 8 March 2020 a new decree, which replaced the previous ones, was issued. This decree applied restrictive measures to Lombardy and 14 provinces of the Centre North and North-East for a total of 16 million people.

11th March 2020: On March 11th the most restrictive decree, the “#IoRestoaCasa Decree”, was published. This decree extended the 8th March decree’s provisions to the whole national territory, until April 3rd. Non-essential commercial activities were suspended , educational activities, catering services, gatherings of people in public places or open to the public were prohibited.
8th MAY 2020: The autonomous province of Bolzano, on May 8th, was the first territory in Italy to allow the reopening of retail businesses and, from the 11th, the reopening of museums and activities such as bars, restaurants, hairdressers, and beauty centres.
18th MAY 2020: The reopening of museums and activities like bars, health centres, restaurants and hairdressers were resumed across Italy on May 18th, together with the reopening of exhibitions and outdoor cultural sites and religious celebrations (with contingent entrances). From this date, therefore, Italy has resumed a pseudo-normality during which it is however mandatory to comply with the anti-contagion measures adopted.
3RD JUNE 2020: With the progressive abatement of the restrictions, from June 3rd it is possible to travel between regions/states. These steps, together with the beginning of the summer season, led to an increase in interregional flows and people going to the sea, especially in the coastal areas.
11TH JUNE 2020: On June 11th a new Prime Ministerial Decree was published, in force from June 15th to July 14th, which further eases containment measures.
1) The access of minors to indoor and outdoor places for recreational activities with the presence of parents or operators is allowed,
2) the activities of arcades, betting rooms and bingo halls are reopened,
3) shows open to the public in theatres, cinemas and concert halls are allowed, with a maximum of two hundred spectators indoors and a thousand outdoors, with pre-assigned seats at least one meter apart; the bathing establishments, the wellness and spa centres, the cultural and social centres are reopened.
25TH JUNE 2020: From June 25th, Sport activities are permitted.
Paolo Beria e Vardhman Lunkar